vendredi 8 mars 2019

Happy International Women's Day

Acts 9: 39So Peter rose and went with them. And when he arrived, they took him to the upper room. All the widows stood beside him weeping and showing tunics and other garments that Dorcas made while she was with them. 40But Peter put them all outside, and knelt down and prayed; and turning to the body he said, “Tabitha, arise.” And she opened her eyes, and when she saw Peter she sat up.

This morning I wake up as usual without being aware of something new is happening at this day, when I opened my WhatsApp, I saw everyone from my friends list is wishing a happy International Women's Day to their mothers and so on, their status was colored by videos and songs that praise the importance of a Woman in our life. What a wonderful day! 

From that time, I start remembering how my mother took care of me and my family when my Dad was died, till now she is doing a great job worthy of acknowledgements and applauds. From that thinking 🤔,  in my spirit  I remember all the widows that we are empowering,  those widows who had no means to educate  and feed their children,  those faithful women who struggle day by day to survive with the family, today they should hear a simple word : ‘‘ Dear Mother,  we know how hard it is and how you suffer to take care of us,  We Love you 😍!!! ’’

As we have read the verses above, Tabitha was full of good works and acts of charity. Let me take this opportunity to wish a wonderful International Women Day to the widows that we are empowering,

To you my precious mother and all the faithful widows who are taking care of their family, working hard for the bright 🔆 future of their children and our nation,  to you my Precious Mummy Maryna Walker,  may God keep blessing you abundantly for your good works and a heart of compassion you have,  To you Xenia and Nicole may God do miracles and expand your territories.

Dear Mothers,  God has been telling me that I am entering a new season,  that He is blessing us more. We pray that his hand stay upon our lives and ministry and that he always keep us away from evil so that we live to please him.  That's our prayer to you today, Pray this prayer found in 1Chronicles 4:10 and the Lord shall grant your request.
Happy International Women Day.  We are so favored and happy to count you among co-workers in the ministry.

lundi 11 février 2019

Thank you Bujumbura TV

We thank you Bujumbura TV for the good works you are doing not only for  our Organization but also for the Nation. Keep moving forward.
"If you believe in others and give them a positive reputation to uphold, you can help them to become better than they think they are." John C. Maxwell,


Here are the pictures of our recent youth Event held on January 27,2019. It was a great pleasure to welcome Gerard as a teacher and we thank God for everything.
Around 3oo young people responded to our invitation and due to the short time we had, the panelists and the teacher of the day should not reply to all questions of participants. 
We have seen that may churches are not training youth spiritually as they should. That’s been a great need that needs our attention. We concluded the event, after giving them a booklet each Par ce Nom, written by John R. Cross. As we saw, we are praying God for financial support to organize a full training for Christian Youth from many churches from MUHA Commune. Hopefully we will organize that training during the Easter Holidays.

Our deep thanks to Guillain IRABAGANJE the President of Association Football Helps,Oscar,Arnelas IRAKAZA, Peles NDAYISHIMIYE THE President of REJADH and Emmanuel DUSHIME the leader of Association Bethel Burundi ,Arlette INGABIRE,and Samuel both are social entrepreneurs to have responded to our invitation.
Our thanks to each and every one who is supporting directly and indirectly this ministry. Thank you again for your continued generosity and commitment to serve the Lord and this nation. We are blessed to have you.
In God we trust.

mercredi 16 janvier 2019

TABITHA DAY 3rd Edition,2018

Economic security, health and disability, and living conditions in old age are policy concerns throughout the world, but the nature of the problems differs considerably from continent to continent and between and within countries. In industrialized countries, old age support comes to a great extent from large public or private pension and health systems. By contrast, throughout most of the developing world, like BURUNDI, providing support for older people is still primarily a family responsibility. 

Traditionally in sub-Saharan Africa, the main source of support has been the household and family, supplemented in many cases by other informal mechanisms, such as kinship networks and mutual aid societies. That’s why our organization has come in to relieve the burden on families most of which are unable to provide Christmas for their elder ones and for orphans. This was the annual Event organized per year to support those people in need. 

On 28th December 2018, it was the 3rd Edition of Tabitha Day organized by Tabitha Christian Association under the leadership of its President, NDIHOKUBWAYO Jimmy and the whole team of volunteers  reached out to these elderly ones without anyone to care for them and the vulnerable kids.
Tabitha Christian Association showered them with new wrappers, clothing, food items, and other Christmas gifts for VULNERABLE KIDS!
A chicken party with 97 kids was made during the morning and the whole afternoon we were with 41 widows. Thank you for your support. We ate, drunk with kids and smiled with the elders.
Here are some of the pictures of Tabitha Day 3rd Edition.