Economic security, health and disability, and
living conditions in old age are policy concerns throughout the world, but the
nature of the problems differs considerably from continent to continent and
between and within countries. In industrialized countries, old age support
comes to a great extent from large public or private pension and health
systems. By contrast, throughout most of the developing world, like BURUNDI,
providing support for older people is still primarily a family responsibility.
in sub-Saharan Africa, the main source of support has been the household and
family, supplemented in many cases by other informal mechanisms, such as
kinship networks and mutual aid societies. That’s why our organization has come
in to relieve the burden on families most of which are unable to provide
Christmas for their elder ones and for orphans. This was the annual Event
organized per year to support those people in need.
On 28th December 2018, it
was the 3rd Edition of Tabitha Day organized by Tabitha Christian
Association under the leadership of its President, NDIHOKUBWAYO Jimmy and the
whole team of volunteers reached out to
these elderly ones without anyone to care for them and the vulnerable kids.
Christian Association showered them with new wrappers, clothing, food items,
and other Christmas gifts for VULNERABLE KIDS!
chicken party with 97 kids was made during the morning and the whole afternoon
we were with 41 widows. Thank you for your support. We ate,
drunk with kids and smiled with the elders.
Here are some of the pictures of Tabitha Day 3rd Edition.